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Personal Shopper Inmobiliario

En nuestra agencia entendemos que encontrar la propiedad adecuada puede ser una tarea desalentadora. Es por eso que vamos más allá para simplificar el proceso para nuestros clientes.


Nos tomamos el tiempo para escuchar sus requisitos y preferencias y luego utilizamos nuestra amplia red y conocimiento del mercado para identificar las mejores propiedades que coincidan con sus criterios.


Desde realizar búsquedas exhaustivas de propiedades hasta negociar las mejores ofertas, manejamos todos los aspectos del proceso de compra con la máxima profesionalidad y dedicación.

Our settling-in services

Our settling-in services encompass a wide range of essential support to help you transition smoothly into your new environment. We assist with the opening of bank accounts, obtaining credit cards, and accessing various banking services tailored to your needs. This foundational step is crucial for managing your finances effectively and ensuring you have the necessary tools to navigate your new life.


In addition to financial services, we facilitate the application process for personal documentation and identity cards for all family members. This includes everything from residency permits to national identification, ensuring that you and your loved ones are legally recognized and can access the services you need. We understand that navigating bureaucracy can be daunting, so we are here to simplify the process and provide guidance every step of the way.


Furthermore, we offer assistance with obtaining essential licenses, such as driver's licenses and vehicle registration, which are vital for your mobility and independence. Our services also extend to securing various types of insurance, including health, home, and vehicle coverage, to protect you and your assets. Additionally, we help you set up utilities like home and mobile internet, electricity, and water, ensuring that your new home is comfortable and fully functional from day one.

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